We finished off 2023 with an amazing night playing in Edinburgh's Assembly Roxy for the Hogmanay Ceilidh organised by Laldie Ceilidhs. Playing to a full capacity crowd, the floor was filled all evening, with just a quick break around the bells to celebrate the New year and pop outside to see the famous Edinburgh Fireworks display.

Since the start of 2024, the band have played for events in Johnston Town Hall, The Salt Market Social in North Shields, and are looking forward playing for weddings and functions all over the country during the year.
The next ceilidh takes place in Ratho Village Hall on Saturday 27th January to tie in with Burns Night.

Dance the Gay Gordons, Strip the Willow, Dashing White Sergeant, Flying Scotsman, Military Two-Step, Eightsome Reel, Cumberland Square Eight, St Bernard’s Waltz, Canadian Barn Dance, Orcadian Strip the Willow and many more.
Tickets for the ceilidh are £12 (U16s Free) and available via Eventbrite, at the door on the night, or by calling 07799 896050
Visit our website: myceilidh.co.uk
Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/hotscotch
Like us on Instagram: instagram.com/hotscotchceilidhband
Hear us on Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/hotscotch-ceilidh-band
Watch us on Youtube: youtube.com/HotScotchCeilidhBandRatho